Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions2022-12-17T13:44:45+05:30


Here you will find answer to Most Asked Questions.

Upodayam Foundation is on a mission to add greenery on Earth and in the process help support rural livelihoods and create environmental awareness. We leverage IT as an enabler.

What is Tree Maa and how does it work?2022-10-14T07:38:24+05:30

Tree Maa eka… [Upodayam Foundation] is on a mission to add greenery on Earth and in the process help support rural livelihoods and create environmental awareness. We leverage IT as an enabler. Our online platform provides the convenience to plant trees from anywhere in the world.

What are the steps involved in planting a tree?2022-10-14T07:40:14+05:30

1. Click on Contribute Now from the top menu OR open this link ( ) in browser url.

2. Click on project / Cause ; you want to contribute.

3. In project listing page, Select / choose Your Contribution, Select Contribution Towards & press Donate Button.

4. After pressing Donate Button, your Contribution item is available in donation cart. Please note that the recently added booking slot in to your donation cart will valid for 10 minute from the time of adding. Hence as soon you add Contribution item in to your cart, please immediately proceed through the checkout process.

5. While going through checkout process; either access as a gust or create an account with Tree Maa.

6. Fill your billing detail and make payment using your favorite payment gateway.

7. Once payment is through; your contribution will be confirmed and confirmation mail along with receipt will be sent your registered mail ID.

Support with login/registration options!2022-10-14T07:44:28+05:30

You may follow a simple registration process available on our web portal for registration. To Login / Register , please click here.

Are there any recurring fees?2016-02-28T00:31:42+05:30

Nullam feugiat eleifend felis eu aliquam. Etiam bibendum, ante nec efficitur lacinia, lectus eros laoreet lectus, sit amet ultricies magna mi vel felis. Quisque ut varius arcu. Praesent efficitur, nisi at imperdiet luctus, tellus dui dignissim purus, et aliquam diam metus ac velit. Mauris aliquet rutrum mauris, ac tempus arcu eleifend sit amet. Integer at lacinia turpis. Morbi vehicula justo at velit facilisis, ac dictum quam sodales. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Nunc finibus, magna sed laoreet malesuada, risus libero iaculis tellus, ac consequat enim nunc sed metus. Cras a condimentum elit, vel convallis tellus. Sed mauris mi, sollicitudin eu tellus ut, efficitur scelerisque justo. Fusce id nibh ut sapien egestas consectetur sed nec arcu. Aliquam et orci nec nulla pellentesque varius. Sed mi mauris, ultricies eu pharetra eget, tincidunt eu enim. Pellentesque convallis dolor nisl.

I contributed to Tree Maa through my company’s fund raising platform, how do I know utilization about my contribution?2022-10-14T08:05:23+05:30

As per the policy, for any amount of contribution received from it’s donors, Tree Maa eka… [Upodayam Foundation] is committed to notifying them about the plantation of their trees. The notification includes – sharing of plant photo, it’s location on Google map and beneficiary details. This process ensures transparency in our operations and also notify users about the utilization of their funds. This process is even followed wherein due to confidentiality or data privacy reasons, donor details are not shared with us and therefore remain anonymous; we strive to be transparent with those donors as well.

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