Climate Crisis is Real

Did you know, climate change could be irreversible by 2030?

How plantation process works?

Planting trees are very difficult task, but we made it simple. Now, plant trees from the comfort of your home with a few easy steps!


Select any project you wish to plant for...

Project Selection

Click on Contribute Now from the top menu OR open This Link in browser url & select project you wish to plant for…


Select Contribution, press Donate Button & checkout...

Add item in Donation Cart

Select Contribution, Contribution Towards, press Donate Button and continue with checkout process.


Proceed to payment and receive your certificate...

Proceed For Payment

Checkout as a gust or create an account, Fill your billing detail, make payment. Will receive receipt in email.


Your sapling will be planted on ground...

Begin of Plantation

As per the schedule, your sapling will be planted on ground. You will keep notified about updates on email.

TreeMaa Project Need Your Contribution

Your generous support will help us to raise funds for ongoing programs.

Let’s get started