Projects By
Upodayam Foundation

Upodayam Foundation is a professionally run group of ordinary people extraordinarily determined to protect the environment not just by themselves, but also by sensitizing others towards the importance of environment conservation and goading them on to participate in tree-plantation campaigns. Upodayam Foundation spearheads a variety of initiatives including research, education, sensitization and advocacy around the importance of environmental preservation and tree plantation. Upodayam Foundation thrives on its vast volunteer base that runs into thousands, from young children to busy professionals, housewives and retired citizens. Today, Upodayam Foundation organizes tree plantations and water conservation projects across several Indian cities. We pro-actively engage in identifying potential areas for plantation, keeping in mind the biodiversity and ecological milieu of the local area.

Mass Tree Plantation

TreeMa is on the mission to create a healthy, green and clean India. We are currently engaged in mass tree plantation in India.

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Sustainable Packaging

Upodayam Foundation in India, is committed to ‘Sustainable Packaging‘ by reduce plastic production and shift Indian packaging industry.

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Clean Energy

Upodayam Foundation promoting fossil fuel users to shift towards ‘Clean Energy Generated from Natural Means’, by adaptation of solar, Wind energy.

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Water Conservation

Water Conservation in India would make the Indian rivers to rejuvenate and help to control the climate change.

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Oxygen Parks, Picnic Parks

Oxygen parks offers a refreshing, clean ambience and will be perfect place for soothing down your senses and spend some quality time.

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Animal Husbandry

Social welfare activities pertaining to upliftment of socio economically disadvantaged segment in India related with animal husbandry occupation.

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Carbon Credits

Under Carbon credits mechanism, companies get carbon points, which declines over time & they can sell any excess points to another company.

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Waste Management

Upodayam Foundation offers Industrial & Municipal Waste Management with systematic and scientific approach.

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TreeMaa is a professional organisation with the mission to sensitise people about about the value and importance of the environment.

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